If you’re serious about running, you’ll be all over the latest in compression research and know just how effective compression is for training, performance, travel and recovery.
If you’re new to the game and keen to find out more, check out the latest compression research by the Australian Institute of Sport and other world-leading research teams and you’ll soon learn why former professional triathlete and 2XU co-founder Jamie Hunt calls compression “the greatest evolution of sporting apparel in the last 20 or 30 years”.
But don’t just take our word for it. 2XU compression is endorsed worldwide for helping athletes of all abilities train harder, perform stronger and recover faster.

As reported by Nine News (AU), compression clothing is the sportswear secret every athlete needs to know. Proven benefits of wearing 2XU compression include “reduced muscle soreness by 47%, increased blood flow to the muscle by 18% and reduced heart work rate by 2.5%” – just some of the reasons dual Olympic middle distance athlete Eloise Wellings relies on 2XU compression to power her training and performance.

Meanwhile, run bible Men’s Running (UK) investigatescompression clothing: the future and learns “there’s still a lot we can learn about the benefits of compression in sport”.
Dr James Broatch, research fellow at the Australian Institute of Sport, explains the theory behind compression: “A lot of the benefits associated with compression relate to an improvement in blood flow, including both the delivery of blood to the exercising muscle and the return of blood back to the heart. As a result, compression is thought to improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscle to improve performance, and aid in the removal of waste products after exercise to improve recovery. Other benefits include reduced muscle oscillation (or muscle movement), greater proprioception (or body awareness) and reduced muscle damage and inflammation post-exercise”.

Still confused? Canadian Running (CA) explains it in these simple terms: “Imagine squeezing a tube of paint. The paint moves faster when the tube is squeezed. Compression garments work the same way. The squeezing improves blood flow to the heart, which in turn pumps out oxygenated blood to the muscles, which is then returned to the heart via the veins (venous return), clearing lactate in the process. Compression garments speed up the process, thus boosting performance as well as recovery.” It’s all detailed in 2XU tights: Compression, comfort, fit and style.

Research aside, sometimes all you need is a good honest review. There’s a reason Business Insider (US) reporter and keen runner Mara Leighton thinks 2XU compression tights are the compression leggings I think every serious runner should own. As Leighton advises, “it just makes sense to spend more on a product made by a reputable company that has both the time and resources to properly design what you need”.
Here’s one runner who’s long been clued in to the value of true compression and won’t be misled by lesser brands: ”I've worn middle-priced compression gear before that didn't inspire much faith; the leggings were compressing my leg muscles, sure, but they were tight all over – those benefits weren't targeting any muscle group discriminately and the gear could feel repressive. Some compression tights also feature a thoughtless approach to other areas of the body, like equally tight waistbands that dig into the skin, making them uncomfortable to wear and an unflattering silhouette – making you much more likely to leave them in the closet and never see a return on your investment… 2XU has a thoughtful, optimised approach to compression”.
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.